‘Biodiversity And Climate Change’ a Film by The Borrowed Earth Project

Our short 6 minute film from The Borrowed Earth Project aims to be an accessible introduction for young people concerned about biodiversity loss and climate change. We aim to generate discussion of:

  • What Biodiversity is;

  • Why it matters;

  • How it is under threat;

  • The links with climate change;

  • but also the positive side of what is being done to fix biodiversity loss;

  • And how you can help.

The blog introducing the film with more background is here.

Young people worldwide have been setting the pace on effective action on climate change.

The Borrowed Earth Project was set up to support them.

We aim to keep the best available science on climate change and biodiversity ‘centre stage’ and given a voice, while helping to find ways through to better outcomes on climate policy: from laws, education, engineering and government action.

Biodiversity gets less press and attention than climate change. We share the belief and insight of friends and colleagues in many other organisations that one key to addressing both issues is to engage the talents and energies of the world’s young people. They are already making a major difference to climate negotiations, for example in areas such as Loss and Damage and climate education, and they are already highly active participants at COPs and climate talks.

If we can harness even a part of that energy and talent to address the biodiversity loss which is threatening a million species, we will taking big strides towards tackling that too.

That is the point of the film.

We have shown preview of the film with Greener is Cleaner in South Korea, at an Environmental Law moot in Pakistan, with the International Conference and POP Festival for Youth-led Climate Action convened by the Protect Our Planet POP Movement at the Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India and with Youth4 Climate in the UK.

We are now making the film more widely available by making it public on YouTube. We will be more than happy to talk to any group willing to help share it with young people or decision-makers, especially in ways that generate discussion and engagement.


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