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Politics & Negotiations William Wilson Politics & Negotiations William Wilson


William Wilson recounts a recent vist to see the play Kyoto at the Swan Theatre. The play dramatises the negotiations over COP3 that resulted in the famous Kyoto Protocol - a driving force behind climate negotiations ever since.

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Biodiversity William Wilson Biodiversity William Wilson

Biodiversity Law & Policy: Snakes and Ladders

This article considers some of the significant recent developments and trends in the promotion of policy on nature and biodiversity. Like the childrens’ board game of Snakes and Ladders, this is characterised by steady progress and sudden pitfalls. However, the convergence of Climate and Biodiversity Laws that we at this website have regularly advocated is a positive and hopeful sign.

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Energy & Emissions William Wilson Energy & Emissions William Wilson

Sulphur Hexafluoride

Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is a synthetic fluorinated compound. It is widely used in the electrical industry, but is the most potent greenhouse gas in existence. In this blog we look at SF6 emissions around the world and see how they are sneaking under the radar but causing massive damage.

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William Wilson William Wilson

On the shoulders of Giants

The environment and action on climate change lost three highly experienced and hugely talented champions in October 2023, in Saleemul Huq, John Vidal & Pete Betts. But the work that they did will endure, and the remarkable new generations of climate activists will benefit from it as they take up the baton and run the next relays.

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COP28 William Wilson COP28 William Wilson

COP28: The Final Text

COP28 has concluded with the signing of the “UAE Consensus”. What is included in this final text and what does it mean?

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Energy & Emissions, Politics & Negotiations, COP28 William Wilson Energy & Emissions, Politics & Negotiations, COP28 William Wilson

The Production Gap: A Key Challenge for COP28

On 8 November 2023, the Stockholm Environment Institute, E3G, International Institute for Sustainable Development and UNEP published “The Production Gap: Phasing down or phasing up? Top fossil fuel producers plan ever more extraction despite climate promises.”

Read about this important intervention here.

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