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Politics & Negotiations William Wilson Politics & Negotiations William Wilson


William Wilson recounts a recent vist to see the play Kyoto at the Swan Theatre. The play dramatises the negotiations over COP3 that resulted in the famous Kyoto Protocol - a driving force behind climate negotiations ever since.

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Energy & Emissions, Politics & Negotiations, COP28 William Wilson Energy & Emissions, Politics & Negotiations, COP28 William Wilson

The Production Gap: A Key Challenge for COP28

On 8 November 2023, the Stockholm Environment Institute, E3G, International Institute for Sustainable Development and UNEP published “The Production Gap: Phasing down or phasing up? Top fossil fuel producers plan ever more extraction despite climate promises.”

Read about this important intervention here.

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Politics & Negotiations William Wilson Politics & Negotiations William Wilson

The Ship has Reached the Shore

After nearly two decades of work and a final burst of 36 hours of round the clock negotiations, on 3 March 2023 in New York, Nations agreed to the “Draft Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction”.

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Politics & Negotiations William Wilson Politics & Negotiations William Wilson

COP28 President is the CEO of one of the World’s Largest Oil Companies

The hosts of COP28, the UAE, have appointed Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber as COP President. The man who will take on this crucial role is currently the CEO of the state oil company as well as chairman of its renewables division. His appointment has caused concern over corporate influence at the COPs, but could the public scrutiny on the UAE and the President benefit us in the long run?

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Politics & Negotiations, Energy & Emissions Edward Wilson Politics & Negotiations, Energy & Emissions Edward Wilson

The US Congress Finally Passes a Climate Bill

Yesterday, on the 16th of August, President Biden signed into law the biggest piece of climate legislation that the US has ever managed to pass. The Inflation Reduction Act was the result of years of negotiations within the Democratic party. The bill provides significant investments in climate, energy and healthcare, which are projected to help reduce the US’s CO2 emissions to 40% below their peak by 2030. So how did the bill finally pass, what is actually in it, and what effect will it have?

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Politics & Negotiations, Interview Guest Blog Author Politics & Negotiations, Interview Guest Blog Author

Updates on Climate Negotiations from a Youth Climate Negotiator

In this blog, Shreya KC, a young climate activist from Nepal, gives us a fascinating update on recent climate negotiations being held in Bonn, Germany in preparation for COP27 in Egypt later this year. Shreya was a campaign coordinator for our friends at MOCK COP and the national youth delegate from Nepal to COP26, she also delivered the opening plenary statement on behalf of YOUNGO at Bonn so is incredibly well-placed to update us on the progress in the most recent climate talks.

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COP26andBeyond at Glasgow: Events at COY16 & COP26

COP26andBeyond will be hosting several events during COY16 & COP26:

“Beyond COP26” Workshop @ Virtual Conference of Youth. 30th Oct.

“Net Zero Scotland Community - Future Series” - Glasgow. 4th Nov

“Beyond COP26”. with After the Pandemic. Uni of Strathclyde - Glasgow. 4th Nov

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Biodiversity, Politics & Negotiations, Guest Blog Guest Blog Author Biodiversity, Politics & Negotiations, Guest Blog Guest Blog Author

Copy COP: Can Nature Take a Leaf from the Climate Book?

For our third article in a series on Climate & Biodiversity, we are privileged to have this expert contribution from Dr Richard Benwell, CEO of Wildlife & Countryside Link on the critical importance of the forthcoming Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Kunming, China in October 2021, and its links to the climate negotiations.

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