COP27 Resources

COP26 and beyond was set up in 2020 to support the amazing work that young people were already doing on climate change with new ideas and resources. We have grown to 7,000+ supporters in 150+ countries through joint working with some incredible and inspiring friends.

For anyone attending COP27 or COY17 climate talks, we have brought together on one web page all the information and resources that we have produced over the last two years, to help you better prepare for this and future climate conferences and negotiations. Please raid it, and help yourselves!

Link here:

For negotiators, check out our quick reference Guide to the Paris Agreement (available in English, Italian and Spanish); the MOCK COP Treaty produced by 330 youth delegates from 142 countries (which we had a hand in drafting while they did the real work on negotiations); or the Climate Declaration and COP26 Joint Statement of International Youth Organisations, which we signed. Or read the fascinating interview with Shreya KC about her experiences as a youth climate negotiator. 

Have a look at the short film we produced with Eastside Educational Trust on Using the Law to Fix the Climate – with four young film makers in the East End of London interviewing four youth climate leaders, Kevin Mtai, Jodie Bailie Ho, Tom Webster Arbizu and Kelo Uchendu.

(Look out for the next film that we hope to release before COP27 on Climate Carnage in Pakistan, and its impacts on education there.)

Have a look at some of the Guest Blogs that we have produced, from as far afield as Lapland, India, Nigeria, Bhutan, South Korea, the UK, Pakistan, Kenya...

Browse some of the Interviews that we have done, whether it is Dr Rich Young on Biodiversity, or Bilal Anwar on disaster relief planning in Pakistan, or leaders in Engineering and the Energy Transition or coal in India....

Dive into some of the Articles we have done, whether it is on Climate Science and Energy or Using the Law...

Trawl for ideas from some of our past events with fantastic speakers like Professor Piers Forster of the IPCC on Climate Science, and amazing collaborators like Earth Action Hub, our Italian friends and colleagues at IARI, the young engineers at Global Engineering Futures, the inspirational folks at the POP Movement...

If you want to find out more and be in regular contact with us, please sign up for our free monthly newsletter using the form below.

Our main aim is to support young people addressing climate change with ideas and resources, focussing on the areas that we know most about. If you are interested in supporting our work, or have new ideas for the future, please get in touch!


Climate Carnage in Pakistan: Education Under Threat


Biodiversity - What it is and why it matters